Surrounded by the cheap housing projects in a small town in Germany, Margret dreams of finally traveling the world, but her husband’s dementia makes this virtually impossible. All life seems to have escaped his passive gaze, but Margret won’t give up. Yet, when she desperately begins to search for her lost husband, Margret slides into a trip full of techno music and flashes of light. As the line between reality and illusion disappears entirely, Margret realizes that it is time to make a decision.

Regie: Clemens Beier

Drehbuch: Linda Brieda, Clemens Beier

Bildgestaltung: Michael Terhorst

Ton: Malte Eiben, Eric Lehmann

Montage: Dessislava Thomas

Musik: Johann Niegl, Robert Niegl, Valeria Frattini

Sounddesign: Malte Eiben

Szenenbild: Sebastian Demuss

Kostüm: Jill Röbenack, Dorothea Geist, Sara Kadesch

Produktion: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF in Koproduktion mit dem MDR Fernsehen

Producer: Julia L. Klett, Diana Hellwig

Darsteller: Liane Düsterhöft, Dietmar Obst, Luise Lähnemann, Moritz Hoyer, Marie Anna Suttner, Alexander Terhorst

Länge: 30:00 min.

Jahr: 2016